You searched for: “most mandatory
mandatory (adjective), more mandatory, most mandatory
1. Referring to an authoritatively ordered or compulsory requirement: At Jim's high school, it is a mandatory rule that all students take two years of math.
2. Pertaining to, of the nature of, or containing a command: Since wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is very sensible, it should be a mandatory requirement that everyone wear one.
3. In law, permitting no option; not to be disregarded or modified: There was a mandatory clause in the contract that Al signed when he was accepted as an employee which specified that he would need to know how to use a computer and have an e-mail address.
An official requirement.
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An obligatory order from a supervisor.
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This entry is located in the following unit: manu-, man-, mani-, mandat-, manda- (page 4)